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ecosystem development中文是什么意思

用"ecosystem development"造句"ecosystem development"怎么读"ecosystem development" in a sentence


  • 生态系统的发育
  • 生态系统演化


  • The enlightenment of ecosystem development outlook to the psychology health education research of graduate students
  • Tourism is a " motive industry " which can completely improve and promote the regional society , economy , culture and the ecosystem development
    旅游业是一个能够全面带动、拉动和联动地区社会、经济、文化和生态发展的“动力产业” 。
  • An assessment index system is designed to estimate the function of water resources allocation in social , economic and ecosystem development
  • First , creative a concept for analyzing city agriculture and city agriculture park areas and its formation , in foundation that synthesize different scholar ' s standpoint , put forward specially city agriculture park area should to have many heavy functions excluding ecosystem developments , leisure travel , culture education , export to create to remit , demonstrate to radiate etc . , besides having the most basic agriculture merchandise production function
  • Thermal , precipitation and humidity affected vegetation types and it ' s distributing , while vegetation types choosing terrene - ecosystem . as the drive power will change along with different space - time scale , we must base on specifically district and period , when study on the drive power of terrene - ecosystem development
用"ecosystem development"造句  
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